Friday, November 20, 2009

Career Exploration

My one job I would love to become is a veterinarian. Earnings for this job to happen I would need to depend on experiences, responsibility, location and, employer. Median annual earnings for veterinarians in the US are somewhere between $70,000 and $80,000. Veterinarians typically receive benefits such as sick days, health coverage, and paid vacation. The self-employed veterinarians have to provide their own benefits. I would need to take many math and science courses. After high school, I need to complete 2 to 4 years of pre-veterinary or science studies at college before applying to veterinary school. Once you are accepted into veterinary school, it takes another 4 years of study to graduate as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM). After getting a degree, you will need to complete a 1 or 2 year internship. I think it would be a lot of studying to do to become a vet. But I will try as hard as I can to get into it. They need to be extra care when they are working with potentially dangerous animals. They mostly work at night and on weekends. Most vets work 8 to 20 hours a day. Along with weekend work, this adds up to approximately 50 to 60 hours a week. Must be a tiring job to work for.

My second job I would want to know more is zoologist because I want to study animals and their habitat. The national median salary for zoologists is around $55,000 a year, with most earning somewhere between $35,000 and $90,000 a year. Zoologists with a bachelor’s degree earn the lowest salaries, while those who have a master's degree can make significantly more. It would be fun to study animals and their life style. Most zoologists have a graduate degree. High school students interested in a career in zoology should make sure that they have a good understanding of the basic sciences by taking courses in chemistry, biology, and physics. Mathematics, computer, and English courses would also be helpful.


  1. animals are fun but i dont think you could do surgery on a pet

  2. how cute you wanna work with animals

  3. michelle, i know you love animals and would do anything for them....but did you know veternarians operate on animals. you look more like the person that wouldnt want to see an animal all cut up or hurt. you look more like the person that studys animals and their habitats. michelle im telling you this not to convince you to not do what you love to do, i am telling you this consturctive critisism as people may call it. im not trying to be mean im just telling you what i think and what i think is what you as my friend, needs to hear..... good luck in the future in what ever you want to do.......=D
