Happy Thanksgiving
On my 5 day holiday/break I will be hanging out with some friends on Wednesday. Then on thanksgiving I am going to my uncle’s house and have a thanksgiving feast. We will be having turkey for sure and hopefully all the things you eat on thanksgiving. I will be spending time with my cousin that I love so much. Friday ill be going to church and meeting some friends and doing activities. Then a few of my friends will come home with me and we will be having a sleepover.
On my 5 day holiday/break I will be hanging out with some friends on Wednesday. Then on thanksgiving I am going to my uncle’s house and have a thanksgiving feast. We will be having turkey for sure and hopefully all the things you eat on thanksgiving. I will be spending time with my cousin that I love so much. Friday ill be going to church and meeting some friends and doing activities. Then a few of my friends will come home with me and we will be having a sleepover.
We will be watching movies and talking and laughing and having a fun time. Then on Saturday we will be going somewhere and hanging out there fro the whole day or go to different places. Then on Sunday we will go to church and then after that everyone will be going home. So hopefully my thanksgiving break will be lots of fun. Ill also go hang out with other friends. I’m not going anywhere out of state. So that’s my thanksgiving break plans. Happy thanksgiving! :)